“Once Upon a time”
A group exhibition
December 3 - January 7, 2023
Opening Reception:
Saturday, December 3, 5pm-8pm
"Once Upon A Time" tells the story of the Houston artists that make up the HVFA roster and form the heart of the gallery. Artists exhibiting in the show are Roberta Harris, Patrick McGrath Muñiz, Susan Budge, Thedra Cullar-Ledford, Mary Margaret Hansen, Linda Hickerson Hofheinz, Avisheh Mohsenin, Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Viveka Barnett, Tiffany Heng-Hui Lee, Claude Charlier, and John Dyer. Some of the artists have been with the gallery since it opened almost five years ago, and others are new to HVFA in 2022. All share the talent and heart and spirit that makes the gallery so special. The show includes paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry, and books.
The opening will kick off the holiday season with a festive party at the gallery. Hours on opening day are 11am to 5pm, with the party from 5pm to 8pm.
Heidi Vaughan Fine Art
3510 Lake Street
Houston, Texas 77098